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A Fresh Look at Camellia reticulata

Articles: A Fresh Look at Camellia reticulata

A bed of Camellia reticulata in full sun at Descanso Gardens. Author’s photographs, except as noted
Camellia reticulata. is enjoying a revival of botanical interest. For some time, this large-flowered camellia from the Yunnan province of China has been the knot in the middle of the rope in a tug-of-war between “lumper” and “splitter” taxonomists working with the genus. A long-term study of this particular section of the genus, using morphological and molecular tools, shows promise for resolving this botanical debate.
Though Camellia reticulata has been somewhat out of fashion in recent decades, the time may be right for a resurgence of horticultural interest in this broad-leafed evergreen, distinguished by its extravagantly sized blooms. Two recent horticultural events—the flowering of a titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) at the Huntington and the introduction of the Hidden Valley hibiscus (both featured in recent issues of Pacific Horticulture)—suggest that big is “in” again. Perhaps it is time for a fresh assessment of the reticulata, which is known to produce flowers up to eleven inches in diameter.



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