Pacific Plant People: with Neil Bell, Oregon State University

Videos: Pacific Plant People: with Neil Bell, Oregon State University

Read the Companion Article Here for Plant Recommendations.


Pacific Plant People Excerpt

With Neil Bell, Professor of Practice at Oregon State University (OSU) in Corvallis, Oregon.

Neil Bell specializes in evaluation of broadleaf evergreen shrubs for unirrigated landscape applications in western Oregon. Neil evaluates plants for hardiness, growth habit, and flowering. He uses the results to design low-input landscapes for year-round interest. These trials have featured wild lilac (Ceanothus), rockrose (Cistus and Halimium), hebe (Hebe), spider flowers (Grevillea), and manzanita (Arctostaphylos).

Pacific Plant People

A series featuring dynamic interviews with Pacific region industry leaders offering advice you can use right now in your own garden!

  • Plant Recommendations that are climate appropriate
  • How plant selections fit into ecological communities
  • Designing naturalistic gardens
  • Recommended Resources




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