Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Resilient Landscapes: Noel Kingsbury, Gardens Under Big Skies

Videos: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Resilient Landscapes: Noel Kingsbury, Gardens Under Big Skies

Noel Kingsbury, Gardens Under Big Skies

Join us as we explore how the relationship between landscape and gardens in the Netherlands resonates under our own big skies and find out if these sustainable, livable outdoor spaces appeal to forward-looking garden designers like you.

Hear from Noel Kingsbury about his new book, Gardens Under Big Skies: Reimagining Outdoor Space the Dutch Way with Photographs by Maayke de Ridde. Join us as we explore how the relationship between landscape and gardens in the Netherlands resonates under our own big skies.

Dr. Noel Kingsbury is an acclaimed garden designer, writer, and long-time collaborator of the renowned designer Piet Oudolf. With Annie Guilfoyle, he runs the highly successful Garden Masterclass. Noel is a leading figure in naturalistic planting design and writes widely on this and related topics.

Martin Carrion van Rijn serves as California Chapter President of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD). Martin has traveled to Holland, organizing garden tours there (his Mother is Dutch and lives there). He has presented several talks on Dutch gardens, one of which is a visually incredible talk to APLD Members called “The Dutch Wave: California Style.” Martin is Principle of Landscape Symphonies at a design/build business in CA.

2022 Virtual Event Series:

Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Resilient Landscapes

We are honoring multi-disciplinary innovators who are solving the climate and horticulture challenges of today. We begin this series by exploring new ideas in resilient garden design, juxtaposing designers who share similar climate or landscape conditions from geographically and culturally distant locations.




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