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Book Review: The California Sky Watcher

Articles: Book Review: The California Sky Watcher

Summer 2024 

Given California’s size and location, it’s little wonder that it experiences such a wide diversity of weather. From the rain, high winds, and snow of winter to the blistering hot days of summer and the brush fires that follow, Californians live through it all—but few of us truly understand the forces that shape the environment around us.

William A. Selby, in his new book The California Sky Watcher, seeks to change that. An earth science researcher and former professor, Selby takes the reader on a tour de force exploration of the state’s weather across the course of a year, from season to season. Throughout the journey, the book examines and explains the weather that affects the different locales within the state, and its impact on the flora and fauna that can be found there.

Besides detailing the causes and effects of the weather, Selby also gives the reader insight into historical events that have not only shaped the landscape, but also the lives of those who lived there. In doing so, he paints a richer, deeper picture than the broad strokes of other books in the field.

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For example, while we all remember Tropical Storm Hilary and the damage it caused in 2023, far fewer of us are aware of a similar storm hitting Long Beach in 1939. In another example, Selby explores the failure of the Oroville Dam spillways in February 2017, a direct result of a deluge that followed five years of drought, with both the dam and local resources being unable to cope with the heavy rainfall.

It’s not just the weather that attracts Selby’s attention. On his journey across the state, he also takes time to explore the plant life. From the cacti of the desert to the redwood and live oaks of the coast, Selby covers it all.

While much of what he writes is based upon complex meteorological concepts, Selby explains everything in a friendly tone that the layperson can easily understand. This, coupled with historical context and personal anecdotes, makes The California Sky Watcher a book for both weather enthusiasts and anyone seeking a deeper appreciation of our region’s complex climate.

Book Review by Richard Bartlett


Selby, William A. 2024. California Sky Watcher; Understanding Weather Patterns and What Comes Next. Berkeley: Heyday.




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