The art and science of pressed botanicals is a way to record a plant’s unique morphological characteristics. The results are both informative and beautiful. The following images are the work of Denise Kelly, a Northern California horticulturist and editor, from her Plants of California collection.
Alnus rhombifolia Nutt. White alder
Glen Ellen, Sonoma County Denise Kelly May 11, 2012
Danthonia californica Bol. California oat grass
Willits, Mendocino County Denise Kelly May 8, 2012
Quercus lobata Nee Valley oak
Glen Ellen, Sonoma County Denise Kelly May 11, 2012
Carex sp. Sedge
Eureka, Humboldt County Denise Kelly Many 26, 2012
Ranunculus repens L. Creeping buttercup
Non-native, introduced
Eureka, Humboldt County Denise Kelly May 26, 2012
Stipa pulchra Hitchcock Purple needle grass
Black Point, Marin County Denise Kelly May 2, 2012
Salix exigua Nutt. Sandbar willow
Glen Ellen, Sonoma County Denise Kelly May 11, 2012
Carex arthrostachya Olney Long-bracted sedge
Willits, Mendocino County Denise Kelly May 29, 2012
Trifolium variegatum Nutt. Variegated clover
Willits, Mendocino County Denise Kelly May 15, 2012
Physocarpus capitatus Kuntze Pacific ninebark
Willits, Mendocino County Denise Kelly May 29, 2012
Deschampsia danthonoides Munro Annual hair grass
Willits, Mendocino County Denise Kelly May 8, 2012