We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Harvesting Color from the Garden

Articles: Harvesting Color from the Garden
Local color: fallen leaves, mint, and roadside fennel yield a variety of hues as close as your neighborhood. Photo: Sasha Duerr
Local color: fallen leaves, mint, and roadside fennel yield a variety of hues as close as your neighborhood. Photo: Sasha Duerr

Fallen leaves, vegetables and herbs from the garden, and weeds and waste otherwise headed for the compost pile, all contain a palette of natural color just waiting to be discovered.

Photos: Sasha Duerr
Photos: Sasha Duerr
Photos: Sasha Duerr
Photos: Sasha Duerr
This coast California landscape provides both inspiration and sourcing for a whole palette of plant color. Photo: Sasha Duerr
This coastal California landscape provides both inspiration and sourcing for a whole palette of plant color. Photo: Sasha Duerr

While hikes in wilder places produce raw materials—fallen leaves, needles, bark, and cones—for a unique color palette very specific to time and place.

Photos: Sasha Duerr
Photos: Sasha Duerr
Nature's own color palette. Photo: Sasha Duerr
Nature’s own color palette. Photo: Sasha Duerr

9781604690712rFor more inspiration and instructions on harvesting color from your landscape check out The Handbook of Natural Plant Dyes by Sasha Duerr, Timber Press, 2010




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