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Unveiling the New Pacific Horticulture Website

Articles: Unveiling the New Pacific Horticulture Website

Oct. 2007

As other newspapers and magazines have concluded before us, the Pacific Horticultural Foundation board of directors recognized the need for a lively, current, and informative website to complement and support Pacific Horticulture magazine. With grants from the Pendleton & Elisabeth C Miller Charitable Trust, Peter Newton, and several members of the board, funds were secured earlier this year to hire a talented web designer from Seattle, Bob Meader of Cultivate Design at www.cultivatedesign.com. Bob has been working closely with a board committee headed by former president Carol Moholt, to arrive at concepts that would both appeal to our readers and attract those not yet familiar with Pacific Horticulture.

For the past decade, our website has been crafted and maintained, single-handedly, by Sean O’Hara, who, during the same period, has created websites for the Mediterranean Garden Society and Western Horticultural Society, among others. He has also managed his own website, Gardening in Mediterranean Climates Worldwide at www.gimcw.org, an outgrowth of an earlier Medit-Plants email forum.

We thank Sean for ten years of dedicated volunteer service to Pacific Horticulture. His work has led us to the point we are today—unveiling a new and expanded www.pacifichorticulture.org.

We hope you will take time to peruse this new website. You’ll find that it presents content that does not appear in the magazine, offers the opportunity to subscribe or to renew a subscription, order back issues of the magazine, and make a tax-deductible contribution to the Friends of Pacific Horticulture. Content in both current and back issues, is now searchable, as is the Calendar of horticultural events. In the coming months and years, we will be expanding this website to more fully serve the West Coast gardener and the plant enthusiast anywhere.
Richard G Turner Jr, editor




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