We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Leach Botanical Garden

Articles: Leach Botanical Garden

Johnson Creek. Photo: Mary Edmeades/Leach Botanical GardenOrch

Contemporary botanical gardens are evolving to be cultural institutions as well as an arena for the study of plants. Today, Leach Botanical Garden, a 16-acre public garden located in southeast Portland, is poised to become a world-class public garden as Land Morphology, a Seattle-based landscape design firm, leads the development and implementation of a new, exciting, and ambitious master plan for a landscape that will delight, inspire, and educate.

Kalmiopsis leachiana in blossom. The plant was discovered by Lilla Leach while botanizing in the Siskiyou Mountains in 1930. Photo: Michael Kauffmann

Founded in 1981, Leach Botanical Garden celebrates regional ecology and the legacy of founders John and Lilla Leach who were early advocates of environmental stewardship. Plant explorer, botanist, writer, and teacher Lilla Leach and her husband, John, a pharmacist known for his sense of humor and creativity, explored the mountains of southwest Oregon collecting plants. Together...


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