This program has been postponed until 2015. Please sign up for our monthly newsletter for upcoming event announcements.
If you have further questions you can contact our office at 510-849-1627 or by email

The landscape holds the power to transform the urban experience. Green roofs, pollinator-friendly plantings, dynamic public and private gardens all create a more livable environment and foster a relationship with nature. Join Pacific Horticulture for an entire day of thoughtful and exciting programing on August 20, 2015, featuring keynote speaker Patrick Cullina, New York-based landscape designer and horticulturist.
Co-sponsored by the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon, our program also features speakers whose work is focused on greening urban spaces:

“Near and Far, New Designs in the Green Roof World”— Karla Dakin, landscape architect and co-author of The Professional Design Guide to Green Roofs presents a look at divergent trends and daring green roof creativity from Vancouver to Dublin to Dahka.

“Designing with Nature, Planting for Pollinators”—Lorene Edwards Forkner, Pacific Horticulture editor, illustrates how to craft a nature friendly, design-driven landscape where humans, plant, insects, birds, and animals amicably co-exist.

“Hellstrip Gardening”—Evelyn Hadden, author of the newly released book by the same title, shares her vision for creating unlikely garden spaces that enhance private homes, neighborhoods, and even entire communities.
Bob Hyland, Hyland Garden Design, and Lucy Hardiman, Perennial Partners, will moderate the day’s events and Portland area nursery owners, Maurice Horn, Joy Creek Nursery, and Sean Hogan, Cistus Nursery, will offer their expertise for choosing regionally appropriate plants.
A post-seminar wine reception at Xera Plants | Contained Exuberance offers the opportunity for continued discussion of the day’s themes, socializing, and discount shopping!