We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Dig Deeper

Articles: Dig Deeper
Blue leaves and an acorn of Englemann oak (Quencus englemannii). Photo: James Henrich
Blue leaves and an acorn of Englemann oak (Quercus englemannii). Photo: James Henrich

At Pacific Horticulture we consider our content to be “evergreen”—perennially relevant and a valuable resource whether you’re new to the garden or a seasoned professional. We’ve been producing stories about landscapes and unique West Coast gardening conditions for nearly 40 years and our contributors have dirt under their nails as well as knowledge and expertise to impart.

2005-Jansm-215x305Since 1976, as a non-profit 501(c) 3 organization, we’ve been publishing our magazine through the efforts of talented freelance writers, photographers, and artists, who generously donate their work in support of our mission to inspire and educate West Coast gardeners.

Thanks to a recent grant from the Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust PHS is pleased to announce another 5 years of content has been recently added to our online archives. That’s an additional 20 issues—roughly 200 articles—freely available to anyone, anywhere, at any time, on any device.

Salvia koyamae. Photographic scan: Joanne Koltnow
Salvia koyamae. Photographic scan: Joanne Koltnow

Quickly browsing past summer issues newly available online I came across the oh-so-appropriate “Landscape Design for Fire Safety” by Russell Beatty (2004), as well as “Subtle Salvias for Summertime Shade” by Betsy Clebsch (2005), beautifully illustrated with flower scans created by Joanne Koltnow. Profiles of Isabelle Greene, “…one of California’s best known and most innovative landscape architects” (2004), and Thomas Carruth, then Director of Research and Marketing for Weeks Nursery and one of the country’s leading rose hybridizers (2003), shed a spotlight on leading West Coast horticulturists. And it’s especially exciting to be able to link to a story about the epic odyssey of the origins of the Rogerson Clematis Collection (2003), a story we updated in our recent summer issue.

The garden may persist largely unchanged, but technology has reinvented the field of publishing! Pacific Horticulture has always believed in the power of gardens to enrich people’s lives and inspire environmental stewardship. Many thanks to our content contributors, donors, and outside funding sources, whose creative and financial resources help PHS continue our work.




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