We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Compost Tea Resource Guide

Articles: Compost Tea Resource Guide

Compost tea is a powerful tool used in biological growing methods to establish and bolster strong populations of beneficial microbes in the soil and on plants. The soil is a complex and prolific universe of delicately balanced soil organisms which have evolved to cycle nutrients to plants. Over time these populations get damaged or exterminated due to chemical/mechanical/environmental inputs. By restoring the beneficial bacteria, fungi and protozoa to your soil, you can rebuild the foodweb which is the basis of nature’s own fertility cycle.

Foliar and root feeding with actively aerated compost tea (AACT) keeps plants healthier and helps them to fight off potential diseases and pests. AACT puts the good biology where the plant needs it by out competing pathogens occupying infection sites on the leaf’s surface and out competing pathogens. The good biology is held in place by simple sugars excreted by the plant. These exudates keep the beneficial microorganisms thriving and procreating, literally creating a barrier around the root zone to nurture and protect the plant.

This productive vegetable garden is nourished with regular applications of compost tea. Photo: Marilee Kuhlman
This productive vegetable garden is nourished with regular applications of compost tea. Photo: Marilee Kuhlman

Benefits of AACT include:

  • increased soil fertility
  • increased water retention and drought tolerance in plants
  • increased fruit production and enhances flavor and raises the brix level of fruits & vegetables
  • break down of toxins in soil and on plants
  • reduced thatch on turf grasses
  • enhanced disease suppression
  • reduced soil compaction
  • helps extend root systems
  • increased nutrition retention
  • non-toxic, 100% safe
  • Kick-starts nitrogen cycling, creating nature’s own fertilizers

Homeowners interested in compost tea can visit several websites for information on how to brew their own tea.
Here’s a short list of informative sites:




Search online for compost tea application brewing and application services by region or visit www.compostteana.com if you are in the greater Los Angeles region.




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