We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Web Extra: A Resource Guide to Fritillaria

Articles: Web Extra: A Resource Guide to Fritillaria

As a companion to the article by Jane McGary on Fritillaria in West Coast gardens, featured in the April 2012 issue of Pacific Horticulture, we offer the following list of mail order sources of species and cultivars of fritillaries. As noted in her article, fritillaries are best grown from seed. McGary adds: “Overseas suppliers of bulbs and seed advertise regularly in the journals of the rock and alpine garden societies listed below. Joining these groups brings both the journals and an opportunity to order from their seed exchanges, which annually offer thousands of species, including dozens of Fritillaria, at minimal cost.”

Please be sure to mention Pacific Horticulture when contacting any of these vendors.


Mail Order Sources


Telos Rare Bulbs

PO Box 1067

Ferndale, CA 95536


Online catalog of bulbs, mail order


Illahe Nursery

7645 Sunnyside Rd SE

Salem, OR 97306


Online catalog of bulbs, mail order




Online catalog of bulbs, mail order


Pacific Bulb Society


Members-only exchange of bulbs and seeds


Fritillaria Group of the Alpine Garden Society (UK)


Members-only seed exchange, specialist color newsletter


North American Rock Garden Society


Members-only seed exchange


Scottish Rock Garden Club


Members-only seed exchange




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