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The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees

Articles: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees

More_Trees_2ed_comp_S13Princeton University Press has announced that The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees, 2nd ed. by David More and John White is now back in print and available at a much more affordable price. Previously the book sold for close to $100.00; the new list price of $49.95 put this valuable resource within the reach of individual arborists, naturalists, hikers and anyone else curious about the trees they find in parks, forests, and even their own backyards.

From Princeton University Press:

Popular, award-winning, and unrivaled for its coverage and beauty, this is a magnificent illustrated guide to nearly 2,000 tree species and cultivars found in North America and Europe. David More spent over a decade painting these illustrations from real specimens, and fellow tree expert John White’s informative text describes key facts about each. The result is an extraordinary reference that will continue to be prized by nature enthusiasts, gardeners, landscapers, and foresters.

  • Illustrates nearly 2,000 tree species and cultivars found in North America and Europe

  • Includes precise paintings of important details: leaves, needles, bark, blossoms, fruits, nuts, and cones

  • Shows deciduous trees in both full leaf and winter

  • Describes the native range of each species, the date of its introduction into cultivation, and other key facts

  • Features an introduction, a glossary, and indexes of scientific and English names




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