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Story Time

Articles: Story Time

Veronica Voss-Macomber with an enrapt Story Time audience at The Helen Crocker Russell Library at San Francisco Botanical Garden. Photo: Tami Desellier

[sidebar]Story Time is held on the first and third Sunday of every month at 10:30 AM at the Helen Crocker Russell Library of Horticulture in the San Francisco Botanical Garden and is followed by a docent-led tour.[/sidebar]

Tall, arched windows frame the children’s section of the Helen Crocker Russell Library of Horticulture located at the San Francisco Botanical Garden. It is a cozy alcove lined with low shelves of children’s books. In lieu of chairs, cushions are scattered about on its carpeted floor. Outside, purple-red Loropetalum shrubs and stubby branched Hebe sway in the wind, while inside in this book nook nine children, ages three to six, are in the midst of creating a garden of their own design. Two of the older children have appointed themselves to be the gardeners. Three other children, crouched and curled up into balls, are seeds, as am I. The remaining children move around to portray a fluttering butterfly, a buzzing bee, and a hummingbird—wh...


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