Birdscaping Resources
- Audubon: Grow These Native Plants so Your Backyard Birds can Feast
- All About Birds: The Best Trees, Vines, and Shrubs to Plant for Birds
- Gardening for the Birds: How to Create a Bird-Friendly Backyard, by George Adams, Timber Press 2013
Taking Wing:
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology: information, plant lists, bird cams, and citizen science opportunities with Project FeederWatch, Habitat Network/yardmap, eBird, the Great Backyard Bird Count
- Audubon
- The Nature Conservancy
- Certify your habitat: Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary Program or National Wildlife Federation: Certified Wildlife Habitat
- American Bird Conservancy: The Truth About Cats
Favorite Bird Guides
- Project FeederWatch: Common Feeder Birds poster
- Sibley’s Field Guide to Birds of Western North America
- Birds of Seattle and Puget Sound by Chris Fisher
- Sibley’s folding guides: Backyard Birds of the Pacific Northwest and Backyard Birds of the Pacific Northwest Coast