We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Resource Guide: Railway Gardens

Articles: Resource Guide: Railway Gardens

Skilled railroad gardeners strive for plausibility in their completed designs. Photo: Nancy Norris

Your guide to West Coast resources for creating a railway garden.
Nurseries that sell minature plants:

Carman’s Nursery, Gilroy, CA. Dwarf and miniature plants. www.carmansnursery.com
Lone Pine Gardens, Sebastopol, CA. Dwarf and miniature plants. www.lonepinegardens.com 

West Coast retail train dealers and garden railway installers:

Accucraft, Union City, CA. Trains, track, accessories. www.accucraft.com
Garden Lines, outdoor railway design and installation, San Francisco Bay Area. www.gardenlines.net
Just Trains, Concord, CA. Trains, track, accessories. www.just-trains.com
Piko, San Diego, CA. Trains, track, accessories. www.piko-america.com
The Train Shop, Santa Clara, CA. Trains, track, accessories. www.facebook.com/The-Train-Shop

Garden railway publications, clubs, installations, and events:

32nd National Garden Railway Convention July 4-10, 2016, San Francisco, CA. www.ngrc2016.org and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/32ndnationalgardenrailwayconvention2016
Bay Area G...


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