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Research to Create Better Gardens for Bees

Articles: Research to Create Better Gardens for Bees

Summer 2024 

Many gardeners select plants primarily for their color and appearance, often without realizing the valuable wildlife habitat they could also provide. Ornamental plants introduced to residential and public landscapes have been shown to offer great value to bee conservation (Hickman 2023). Bees rely exclusively on a diet of pollen and nectar, making the availability of varied, healthy plants essential for their survival. But what exactly does that mean? What makes a plant and its garden healthy for bees?

This is a question that has been of great interest to bee researchers, horticulturists, and landscape professionals in recent years. For example, we know that certain garden features—such as mulch, the area covered by flowering plants, and a water source—influence bee survival in gardens (Quitsberg et al. 2016; Casey 2018a and 2018b). Several studies have also documented a wide range of bee plant preferences, even among different cultivars of the same plant species (Garbuzov and Ratnieks 2014; Frankie et al. 2019).

Our recent work at the University of California, Davis and the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of California has expanded on this work. We conducted replicated field plot studies in Northern and Southern California to compare the bee attractiveness of California native and non-native plants (Figures 1a and 1b). Our observations confirmed large differences between plant species in the number of pollinating visitors they receive per minute. A greater diversity of pollinators—including a richer suite of native bees—visited California native plants when compared to non-native plants (Nabors et al. 2022). However, honey bees (Apis mellifera) showed no significant preference for either California native or non-native plants (Tables 1a and 1b).

This research has informed plant selection and education programs for the public. However, we recognize that for bee-supporting landscapes to take hold in California, nursery producers and landscape designers need ways to quickly know if new plant varieties will be attractive to bees and other pollinators.

To this end, our most recent study evaluated two sampling methods for pollinator attractiveness. Insects are typically measured by timed counts of 3–10 minutes, during which every insect entering an area of observation or landing on the reproductive parts of a flower is counted. This method has been shown to be accurate for bees (Erickson et al. 2022), but we feel it is too time consuming for gardeners and growers.

We have been comparing these more typical three-minute timed counts with an alternative method that consists of three 20-second snapshot counts (Garbuzov and Ratnieks 2014; Mach and Potter 2018). We conducted these counts at replicated research plots especially established for pollinator attractiveness observations (Fig. 2a, 2b) and nursery sites (Fig. 2c, and 2d). We have found that shorter snapshot counts can provide a reliable method to determine the diversity and abundance of bees (Casey, Corkidi, Smith, and Middleton, unpublished).

Pesticides are another key concern in bee survival. We have been investigating the pesticide transport within plants to pollen and nectar so we could help growers understand if pest management practices at the nursery could impact bees when plants reach consumers’ gardens (Fig. 3a, 3b and 3c). This research includes both drench applications of pesticides, which are applied to the soil, and foliar applications, which are sprayed onto leaves.

For all products and at all rates used, the concentration of pesticide residue decreased over time in the nectar of plants treated with drench or foliar applications. However, plants treated with drench applications to the soilless mix had higher pesticide residue concentrations than those sprayed with foliar applications. The concentration of the active ingredients in the nectar of foliar-treated plants was generally below detection limits by six weeks after treatment (Havers et al. 2024).

Although some of the most important steps to protect pollinators must be made in agriculture and on public lands, we also need to protect pollinators in our managed landscapes and gardens. We hope this research will build on past work to provide growers, land managers, and gardeners with the information they need to build better bee gardens.


Table 1a. Mean number of honey bees per minute visiting ornamental plants in replicated field plots in Northern California averaged across all study years (2018 to 2020). California native plants are indicated by gray shading.

Table 1b. Mean number of honey bees per minute visiting plants in replicated field plots in Southern California averaged across all study years (2018 to 2020)1. California native plants are indicated by gray shading.


Figure. 1. Replicated field plots established at (left) University of California, Davis in Davis, California, and (right) Tree of Life Nursery in San Juan Capistrano, California, to compare pollinator attractiveness of California native and non-native ornamental plants. Credit: Christine Casey (left), Lea Corkidi (right)

Figure 2. To develop grower-friendly methods to assess pollinator attractiveness and facilitate bringing these plants to the market, we compared bee sampling methods at replicated research plots established at the San Diego Botanic Garden with annuals (top left) and perennials (top right) and a commercial nursery in Fallbrook, California (bottom left). To standardize sampling area, 66-centimeter-diameter circular plastic hoops were placed over the planting beds (such as this Rudbeckia‘ Amarillo Gold’ planting bed), and only bees entering the delineated area were counted (bottom left, right). Credit: Lea Corkidi

Figure 3. Growth experiments established at the South Coast Research and Extension Center (Irvine, California) to analyze residue of systemic insecticides in nectar, petals, and leaves of speedy sonnet white snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus ‘Sonnet White’). All plants were treated once with foliar and drench applications of the neonicotinoids imidacloprid, dinotefuran, and thiamethoxam and other systemic insecticides such as flupyradiflurone and cyantraniliprole, applied at full and half rate before bloom (top left). Flowers and leaves were collected two, four, six, and eight weeks after treatment (top right). It took more than forty flowers to obtain the 0.5-milliliter-composite nectar samples required for pesticide residue analyses at Clemson University (bottom) (Havers et al. 2024). The different colors of the centrifuge tubes represent the different pesticide treatments. Credit: Lea Corkidi

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Casey, Christine. 2018a. “Bees need water: establish water sources in late winter to keep them out of the pool in summer.The Bee Gardener.

Casey, Christine. 2018b. “Using science to design a bee garden: color and what bees see.The Bee Gardener.

Casey, Christine. 2021. “Is your garden getting the maximum bees per gallon?The Bee Gardener.

Erickson, Emily, Christina M. Grozinger, and Harland Patch. 2022. “Measuring plant attractiveness to pollinators: methods and considerations.” Journal of Economic Entomology 115 (5): 1571–1582.

Gordon, Frankie, Jamie Pawelek, Marissa H. Chase, Christopher C. Jadallah, Ingrid Feng, Mark Rizzardi, and Robbin Thorp. 2019. “Native and non-native plants attract diverse bees to urban gardens in California. Journal of Pollination Ecology 25 (3): 16–23.

Garbuzov, Mihail and Francis L. Ratnieks. 2013. “Quantifying variation among garden plants in attractiveness to bees and other flower-visiting insects.” Functional Ecology 28: 364–374.

Havers, Matthew, C. Lea Corkidi, Elizabeth Leonard, Cristi L. Palmer, Nishanth Tharayil and James A. Bethke. 2024. Dynamic behavior of systemic insecticide residues in snapdragons. HortScience 59 (6): 806–816.

Hickman, Krystle. 2023. “Native bees and your garden.Pacific Horticulture.

Mach, Bernardette M. and Daniel A. Potter. 2018. “Quantifying bee assemblages and attractiveness of flowering woody landscape plants for urban pollinator conservation.” PLOS One 13 (2): 1–18.

Nabors, Annika, Keng-Lou James Hung, Lea Corkidi and James A. Bethke. 2022. “California native perennials attract greater native pollinator abundance and diversity than nonnative, commercially available ornamentals in southern California.” Environmental Entomology 51 (4): 836–847.

Quistberg, Robyn, Stacy M. Philpott, Peter Bichier, Michelle Otoshi and Simone Albuquerque. 2014. “Landscape and local correlates of bee abundance and species richness in urban community gardens.” Environmental Entomology 45 (3): 592–601.




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