We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

“Hooray for Shade!”

Articles: “Hooray for Shade!”
Shade structure at the Ruth Bancroft Garden. Photo: courtesy of RBG
Shade structure at the Ruth Bancroft Garden. Photo: courtesy of RBG

On Friday, July 12th, the Garden Conservancy and the Ruth Bancroft Garden present “Hooray for Shade!” a Ruth Bancroft Horticultural Seminar, taking place at The Gardens at Heather Farm, 1540 Marchbanks Drive, Walnut Creek, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The seminar and lunch will be followed by garden tours that show shade at its best, and a reception and plant sale at the Ruth Bancroft Garden in Walnut Creek at 5 p.m.

This seminar is co-sponsored by The Gardens at Heather Farm, Pacific Horticulture, and Timber Press.

[sidebar]Early registration pricing through June 28th: $80 general admission; $65 members of the Garden Conservancy, the Ruth Bancroft Garden, the Gardens at Heather Farm, and Pacific Horticulture members.

After June 28th, pricing is $100 general admission; $85 members. To register call the Garden Conservancy West Coast office at (415)441-4300 or register online.[/sidebar]

Speakers and topics include:

  • Eric and Silvina Blasen, principals with the award-winning firm of Blasen Landscape Architecture, on designing for shade gardens
  • Marty Wingate, Seattle-based garden writer and lecturer, author of several books, including Landscaping for Privacy: Innovative Ways to Turn Your Outdoor Space, on shady garden pros and cons
  • Matt Ritter, botany professor at Cal Poly and author of A Californian’s Guide to the Trees Among Us, on shade trees for California
  • Robert Trachtenbergowner of Garden Architecture, an award-winning landscape design-build firm based in Berkeley, on shade structures
  • Brian Kemble, succulent expert and curator at the Ruth Bancroft Garden, on succulents for shade


The Garden Conservancy is a national nonprofit organization founded in 1989 to preserve exceptional gardens for the education and enjoyment of the public. By facilitating access to diverse examples of our cultural heritage, the Conservancy encourages greater appreciation and stewardship of these fragile resources. The Conservancy works in partnership with individual garden owners and public and private organizations, marshaling legal, horticultural, and financial resources to secure a garden’s future.






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