We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Garden Allies: Humans

Articles: Garden Allies: Humans

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“Garden Allies” began ten years ago as a forum to share stories about the art and science of conservation biological control; those beneficial insects that keep our gardens thriving, full of life, and beautiful. Before long we branched out to include pollinators, birds, soil organisms, and a myriad of sometimes unrecognized players in garden ecology. Revealing the occasionally mysterious roles of these garden denizens has been illuminating—not only for readers, but also for author, illustrator, and editors. We’ve had some fun along the way: fall issues covered “spooky” topics including spiders, bats, earthworms, and decomposers. How many readers noticed that for three years, springtime “bird” stories were followed by summertime “bee” topics?

The untold story that remains is our own.

Installing a bat box in the garden provides habitat for bats, which in turn eat large numbers of mosquitoes and termites. Illustration: Craig Latker

Every animal on earth relies on plants for survival—sometimes directly (herbivore...


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