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Four Winds Growers

Articles: Four Winds Growers

[sidebar]Four Winds Growers

Since 1948, Four Winds Growers has been a thriving family business. Founder Floyd Dillon and his son Don Sr. pioneered the cultivation of container-grown citrus. Today, Four Winds is known as California’s premier provider of citrus plants. Aaron and Lexa Dillon, Floyd’s great-grandkids, are proud to take the reins from father Don Dillon Jr. and their aunt Mary Helen Seeger who have steered the nursery for the last 25 years.

This mature ‘Eureka’ lemon is productive and a beautiful addition to the home landscape. Photo: courtesy of Four Winds Growers

A conversation between editor Lorene Edwards Forkner and Aaron Dillon of Four Winds Growers

LEF: Can you provide some family backstory? 

AD: Four Winds Growers’ founder, Floyd Dillon, was my great-grandfather. Floyd began his career in retail sales in the Midwest where he developed a keen eye for identifying the next hot trend. After moving to California Floyd looked for an espaliered lemon tree to plant in his yard and was surprised to discover that the product didn’t exist. Containerized...


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