We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Changing Times, Changing Gardens: San Luis Obispo

Articles: Changing Times, Changing Gardens: San Luis Obispo
'Falling Cliff' residence in Shell Beach, California designed by JGS Landscape Architecture. Photo: Tom Hessel
‘Falling Cliff’ residence in Shell Beach, California designed by JGS Landscape Architecture. Photo: Tom Hessel

[sidebar]September 13–14, 2014
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA[/sidebar]

Join Pacific Horticulture, a lively gathering of eco-thought leaders and designers, and other like-minded gardeners, for an inspiring and educational weekend symposium investigating a contemporary approach to garden design reflecting local climate conditions, smart water use, and harmonious plant choices.

Photo: Tom Hessel
Photo: Tom Hessel

Our program begins on Saturday with seminar talks held at the new Baker Center for Science and Math, which features a landscape designed by Susan Van Atta. Following a boxed lunch, we’ll tour Leaning Pine Arboretum led by Director Chris Wassenberg, and Cal Poly Professor and California tree expert Dr. Matt Ritter will lead a hike amongst the trees on campus.

Sunday highlights local gardens designed by Jeffrey Gordon Smith, Gabriel Frank, and Sage Ecological Landscapes & Nursery that beautifully reflect environmental design principles.

Further details and registration link here.

Symposium speakers and designers include:

  • Randy Baldwin                   San Marcos Growers
  • Carol Bornstein                  Natural History Museum of LA County
  • Todd Davidson                   Sage Ecological Landscapes & Nursery
  • Gabriel Frank                     Gardens by Gabriel Frank
  • Jeffrey Gordon Smith       JGS Landscape Architecture, author of A Collection of Residential JGS Landscape Designs
  • Matt Ritter                          Professor, Cal Poly, SLO, author of A Californian’s Guide to the Trees Among Us 
  • Susan Van Atta                   Van Atta Associates, author of The Southern California Native Flower Garden
  • Chris Wassenberg              Director, Leaning Pine Arboretum
'Winery Residence' in Paso Robles, Califonia designed by JGS Landscape Architecture. Photo: Chris Leschinsky
‘Winery Residence’ in Paso Robles, Califonia designed by JGS Landscape Architecture. Photo: Chris Leschinsky





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