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Aloes, Wine, & Cheese

Articles: Aloes, Wine, & Cheese
Multiple containers and exuberant plantings frame the entrance to this collectors' garden.
Multiple containers and exuberant plantings frame the entrance to this collectors’ garden.

Festive gatherings, bright lights, and feasting become the order of the day as the holiday season commences. But even that spectacle can’t dim the seasonal wonder of a succulent garden in bloom. And here at Pacific Horticulture we’re celebrating this unique moment in the gardening calendar year with a gathering of our own.

Winter Aloe bloom.
Winter Aloe bloom.

You’re invited to join PHS board member Scott Borden and San Diego Horticultural Society president Jim Bishop for an afternoon filled with bloom and good cheer in their San Diego garden. Perched on a hillside overlooking Mission Valley with an expansive view from the mountains to the sea, Scott and Jim have created a Mediterranean villa garden brimming with plants from all over the world. Their collection of plants from Australia and South Africa are at their best in January—especially the aloes.

Immerse yourself in seasonal blooms with a guided tour of the densely planted slope as you stroll up and down the garden’s hand-built pathways. Then gather in the garden casita to nibble on winter treats while enjoying a glass of wine—perhaps from South Africa in honor of the aloes—and warm up next to the fire as you relax to the pleasing accompaniment of the three nearby fountains.

The Bishop-Borden garden is a dense tapestry of succulent color and texture.
The Bishop-Borden garden is a dense tapestry of succulent color and texture.

Space is limited for this exclusive event. Register early to avoid being left out in the cold.

[sidebar]Open Garden
Saturday, January 9, 2016
San Diego, CA[/sidebar]

This event is a fundraiser in support of Pacific Horticulture. Space is limited. Find further details and registration information at www.pachort.org/janopengarden.

A dramatic hillside offers a theatrical raked view of the plant collection in the garden.
A dramatic hillside offers a theatrical raked view of the plant collection in the garden.




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