We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

A Garden that Never Sleeps

Articles: A Garden that Never Sleeps

Kate Frey’s garden in Hopland, CA is lively 12 months of the year with a constant succession of blooming plants. Kate, a regular Pacific Horticulture contributor, is a gifted garden designer and passionate about creating organic landscapes that support beneficial insects and pollinators—beautifully!

Flowering rosemary in the fall garden. Photo: Lorene Edwards Forkner
Flowering rosemary in the fall garden. Photo: Lorene Edwards Forkner

Check out this story by Yvonne Michie Horn that ran in The SF Chronicle for a glimpse of her colorful and vibrant garden with tips for planting native and non-native plants to support pollinators throughout the year.

It’s a delightful 1-acre garden, one that friends and family love to ramble. But, most importantly, it’s an experimental garden designed to illustrate, as Frey says, “that if you plant certain plants, despite drought conditions, beneficial pollinators will come in every season.”




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