We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

The Tree Dahlia Resource Guide

Articles: The Tree Dahlia Resource Guide

As a companion to Mary Wilbur’s story about her love affair with the delightful, late fall-blooming tree dahlia (Dahlia imperialis and others), which was featured in the October 2010 article in Pacific Horticulture, we offer the following list of nurseries that offer one or more kinds of tree dahlia. Be sure to contact any nursery before visiting to confirm that there will be any available. Rooted cuttings are usually available in early spring. Cuttings from the bamboo-like stems of tree dahlia root easily in late winter; in fact, tree dahlias are most often available as “pass-along” plants from neighbors and friends.

Alpen Gardens
12010 NE Flett Road
Gaston, OR
Mail order and walk-in

Corralios Gardens
295 Alitos Drive
Corralitos, CA 95076
Mail order and walk-in by appointment

Eagle Dahlia Farm
6818 E Stoneman Road
Spokane, WA 99217
Mail order

Love House Dahlias
7922 Santa Ana Road
Ventura, CA 93001
Mail order and walk-in

Plant Delights
9241 Sauls Road
Raleigh, NC 27603
Mail-order only; walk-in by appointment

Check also with your local botanical garden, as many tree dahlias are available through seasonal plant sales hosted by these institutions.

Please be sure to mention Pacific Horticulture when contacting any of these vendors.




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