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The Hardy Fern Foundation Celebrates 25 Years

Articles: The Hardy Fern Foundation Celebrates 25 Years
Western sword fern (Polystichum munitum) Photo: Richie Steffen
Western sword fern (Polystichum munitum) Photo: Richie Steffen

The Hardy Fern Foundation (HFF) was founded in 1989 to establish a comprehensive collection of the world’s hardy ferns for display, testing, public education, andintroduction to the gardening and horticultural community. At test sites located throughout the United States at public gardens affiliated with the HFF, many rare and unusual fern species, hybrids, and varieties are propagated and evaluated in selected environments for their different degrees of hardiness and ornamental garden value.

The Hardy Fern Foundation will celebrate its 25-year history at the Fall Fern Social on October 11, 2014. The event, to be held in the newly built educational facilities of the Bellevue Botanic Garden, will feature the largest display of fronds on the West Coast, a guest speaker, and experts available to identify ferns. For details visit www.hardyferns.org.




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