One of the least popular colors on the spectrum, orange is bold, exotic, and maybe a little bit dangerous.
From “A Gardener Comes to Terms with Orange:
Orange, the marriage of red and yellow, maintains both the primal force of red and the happy-go-lucky, child-like brightness of yellow.
… The adventurous Christopher Lloyd, who considered orange “challenging,” advised using the hue boldly or not at all. “It is a waste to mingle it with red,” he warned, recommending pink, purple, and blue, its complement, as orange’s best garden betrothals.
Cotoneaster lacteus; C. glaucophyllus; C. salicifolius ‘Scarlet Leader’
Hamamellis ×intermedia ‘Jelena’
Pyracantha ‘Mohave’
Rosa glauca; R. moyesii; R. rubiginosa; R. rugosa
Aquilegia skinnerii ‘Tequila Sunrise’
Calendula ‘Alpha’; C. ‘Orange King’; C. ‘Porcupine’; C. ‘Radio’
Cheiranthus allionii
Epimedium ×warleyense
Eremurus ‘Cleopatra’
Eschscholzia californica
Euphorbia griffithii ‘Fireglow’
Glaucium corniculatum
Hyacinthus ‘Gypsy Queen’
Narcissus ‘Bantam’; N. ‘Brackenhust’; N. ‘Gentle Giant’; N. ‘Professor Einstein’
Primula bulleyana
Papaver orientalis ‘Fireball’; P. ‘Goliath’; P. ‘Turkenlouis’; P. rupifragum
Tulipa ‘Perestroyka’; T. ‘Orange Emperor’; T. ‘Mango Charm’; T. ‘Annie Schilder’; T. ‘Shogun’; T. ‘Elise’; T. vvdenskyi ‘Tangerine Beauty’; T. whittalii
Alstroemeria aurantica
Asclepias tuberosa
Bidens ‘Hawaiian Flare Orange Drop’
Canna striata ‘Bengal Tiger’
Carrot ‘Hercules’; ‘Shin Kuroda’; ‘St. Valery’
Crocosmia ‘Star of the East’; C. ‘Firebird’
Dahlia ‘Barbarry Dominion’; D. ‘Obsidian’; D. ‘Sea Fuego’
Hedychium ‘Tara’; H. greenii
Lychnis chalcedonica; L. ×arkwrightii ‘ Vesuvius’
Geum chiloense ‘Mrs. Bradshaw’; G. coccineum ‘Borisii’
Lilium ‘Firebird’; L. ‘Naomi’; L. columbianum; L. pardalinum
Sphaeralcea emoryi
Tagetes ‘Prescott’; T. ‘Hawaii’
Zauschneria cana
Acer japonicum ‘Attaryi’
Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Viridis’
Acer saccharum ‘Sweet Shadow’
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Hamamelis ‘Diane’
Pumpkin ‘Knucklehead’, ‘Winter Luxury’, ‘Spooky’