We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Making Magic at Chelsea Fringe 2013

Articles: Making Magic at Chelsea Fringe 2013
Anna Rose Hughes, WC @Vanguard Court, The Chelsea Fringe, 2013. Photo: courtesy of the Chelsea Fringe
Anna Rose Hughes, WC @Vanguard Court, The Chelsea Fringe, 2013. Photo: courtesy of the Chelsea Fringe

Not many designers would consider a Victorian-era men’s toilet as a potential site for an urban fernery and garden retreat. Check out this time lapse build video and watch how UK-based Anna Rose Hughes did just that for her entry in The Chelsea Fringe in 2013, WC @Vanguard Court.


Its a remarkable transformation from derelict toilet block to a lush, private sanctuary. Proving once again, nature’s power to regenerate, reinvent, and create beauty in the most unlikely places.

Fernery detail, WC @Vanguard Court, Chelsea Fringe 2013. Photo: courtesy of Anna Rose Hughes
Fernery detail, WC @Vanguard Court, Chelsea Fringe 2013. Photo: courtesy of Anna Rose Hughes




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