We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Help Grow the Seattle Children’s PlayGarden

Articles: Help Grow the Seattle Children’s PlayGarden
The lively and bountiful Seattle Children's PlayGarden. Photo: Lorene Edwards Forkner
The lively and bountiful Seattle Children’s PlayGarden. Photo: Lorene Edwards Forkner

Seattle Children’s PlayGarden is a place of inclusion and magic filled with plants, kids laughter, and a menagerie of chickens, ducks, bunnies, and bees. With year-round programming, summer camps and outdoor play space, all under the constant care of a loving community, it’s a special gift to families, the neighborhood, and Seattle as a whole.

From the dedicated and creative folks at Seattle Children’s PlayGarden:

The PlayGarden is so much more than just a park. It’s a garden, a preschool, a home for art and music classes, a land of stories, a place to grow, a place to take risks, a place to explore, a place to love and be loved. It’s a place where children with special needs are able to play freely alongside their typically developing siblings and friends





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