We did it! Twenty-five years—one hundred issues—of Pacific Horticulture. It’s time to celebrate, and we intend to do so all year with special articles, a few changes—and silver as our theme.

First, we must thank those who have helped us reach twenty-five, not the least of whom are you, our subscribers, who’ve shown steadfast commitment to our journal. And we particularly thank those among you who have chosen to provide extra support for the magazine through contributions to our non-profit publisher, Pacific Horticultural Foundation.
We’ve been blessed over the years with the support of authors, reviewers, photographers, and artists who have given generously to fill these pages with stories and illustrations of interest and value. We’ve had excellent services from our associate and assistant editors, who have kept the words accurate and in the right order on the printed page. Thanks to the knowledge and experience of all these individuals, along with the professionalism and creativity of our designers, color-separators, and printers, Pacific Horticulture has remained one of the most highly regarded garden journals in the English-speaking world.
We’ve been equally blessed with dedicated staff and volunteers who have kept the subscriber rolls up-to-date, advertisers in line, bills paid, and the magazines delivered to their intended addresses. Dozens of volunteers, from board members and fundraisers to envelope stuffers and party planners, have supplemented the work of our small staff.
Much of the work of assembling and distributing the magazine has been, frankly, a labor of love by those involved. Leading that effort, for most of our twenty-five years, have been two individuals. Since the magazine began, Olive Rice Waters has directed the efforts of our office staff, served as secretary for the board of directors, coordinated the work of volunteers, and performed incalculable tasks with a smile and an unsurpassed level of dedication.
Most of all, we thank George Waters, editor emeritus, for his attention to detail, commitment to professionalism, and unfailing dedication to this journal over a period of twenty-one of our twenty-five years. Without him, the journal would never have achieved the reputation that it holds today. (And, these last four years would have been far less enjoyable and satisfying for the current editor.)
We happily dedicate this Silver Jubilee issue of Pacific Horticulture to George and Olive Rice Waters.