We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

A Hellebore Resource Guide

Articles: A Hellebore Resource Guide

Several articles in the January 2007 and the January 2008 issues of Pacific Horticulture focus on hellebores, one of the most popular of garden plants today. Authors from Seattle to Pasadena share their experiences with hellebores in public and private gardens. In addition, C Colston Burrell reviews the species and hybrids that make up the genus Helleborus.

As a companion to those articles, we offer the following resource guide to gardens in the West Coast states that feature hellebores, as well as nurseries that stock a good selection of species and/or hybrids. These lists have been excerpted and adapted, with permission, from Hellebores: A Comprehensive Guide, by C Colston Burrell and Judith Knott Tyler, published by Timber Press in 2006 and reviewed in the January 2007 issue of Pacific Horticulture.
Gardens Featuring Hellebores
Bellevue Botanical Garden
12001 Main Street
Bellevue, WA 98004
Contact for hellebore “open houses”

Bishop’s Close at Elk Rock
11800 SW Military Lane
Portland, OR 97219

Dunn Gardens
PO Box 77126
Seattle, WA 98177
Open by appointment

Hellebores Wo...


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