With the almost unlimited opportunities for garden, patio, and balcony living on the Pacific coast, fragrance should be carefully considered...
Plants You Need
Take a closer look at plants you would like to know better and some you haven’t met, from regional plant communities to a genus of favorites to rare native species.
No group of American plants has contributed more to gardens than phloxes — not only the tall border phloxes, but...
Nature herself (and not just the local nurseryman) often does not give us the plants we need. From leisure world...
Penstemons are entirely of North America except for one: Penstemon frutescens which is from eastern Asia. Gardeners find them fascinating,...
The name madroño was long used in Spain for the strawberry tree, a plant of the maquis, thickets, and rocky...
Few people consider California a good place to grow hardy heathers. Cool, moist climates like those of Scotland and England...
When I think of the great many kinds of variegated foliage and the many effects they can have on those...
In the latter part of the last century, Gertrude Jekyll created her famous colored foliage borders and they caused a...
The water-frugal gardens we associate with Andalusia and with Moorish architecture have meaning to us beyond the present vogue for...