We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Natural Discourse Symposium: Form & Function

Articles: Natural Discourse Symposium: Form & Function
Light Portraits, 2012, presents mysterious and intimate portraits of some of UCBG’s spectacular specimens produced by Mitch Maher, armed with a camera and a flashlight.
Media: digitally printed vinyl billboards
Photo: Mitch Maher

[sidebar]Natural Discourse Symposium: Form & Function
Friday, January 11, 2013
UC Botanical Garden, 9am-4:30
For ticket information go here.[/sidebar]This one-day symposium brings together creative minds from disciplines within the humanities, sciences, and arts to reflect on the lively relationship between plants and humans. Speakers will discuss how the study of plants inspires material and conceptual innovations in their practice in ethnobotanical studies, stem cell research, architecture and visual art.

The symposium compliments the exhibition Natural Discourse: Artists, Architects, Scientists & Poets in the Garden currently on view throughout the UCBG through January 20, 2013. The garden has generously agreed that anyone who purchases a ticket to the symposium has one free admission to the garden from time of purchase till January 19, 2013. You are encouraged to visit Natural Discourse before the symposium.

Symposium speakers:

Alejandro de Avila Blomberg, Founding Director of the Oaxaca Ethno-Botanical Garden Oaxaca, Mexico

Gerard Dosba, Head Gardener and project manager at the Festival International des Jardins at Chaumont, France

Marie Csete, MD, PhD. Division Director, Center for Cellular Therapies American Association of Blood Banks

Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello, Architects, creators of SOL House in the Natural Discourse exhibit

Steve Oliver, Builder, Owner of Oliver Ranch, home to 18 remarkable site-specific installations by world renowned artists




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