We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Making Gardens

Articles: Making Gardens

Why do we make the gardens we do—and what do they say about us.
The summer issue of Pacific Horticulture is out.
Featured highlights include:

Clematis ‘Multi Blue’ in Wisteria frutescens var. macrostachya ‘Blue Moon’. Photo: Marietta and Ernie O’Byrne

"The Art of Weaving Plants and Place," an excerpt from A Tapestry Garden from Timber Press, profiles an Oregon garden in high summer nurtured by Marietta and Ernie O'Byrne, gifted plantspeople who choreograph the seasons, brilliantly I might add.

Agave americana in San Francisco Botanical Garden. Photo: Saxon Holt

Our gardens tell our story and reflect change—both our place and our stage in life. They put us in a relationship with nature. As contributor Matthew Stephens, Garden Director of the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers and San Francisco Botanical Garden shares in his article "The Transplanted Gardener".

Visitors celebrated the opening of the new Urban Meadow at Bellevue Botanical Garden in July 2017. Pho...


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