Life Not Lawn
Those of us in the West know that water is precious, and that drought is upon us. Pacific Horticulture wants to celebrate those who are part of the solution and have transformed their turf into a climate resilient garden.
July-September 2021, we are inviting everyone to share and tag #LifeNotLawn images of drought tolerant, waterwise, habitat supporting, climate resilient, native, and pollinator attracting plants where lawn used to be!
Pacific Horticulture
Articles about The Beauty of Organized Chaos & Turf Transformation
Pacific Horticulture | The Beauty of Organized Chaos
Pacific Horticulture | Turf Transformation into Beautiful, Sustainable, and Resilient Landscapes
UC Davis
Planting Design Ideas for Sustainable Gardens
UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden – Life After Lawn
Oregon State University | Extension
WaterWise Gardening ideas that use little or no water in a landscape
WaterWise Gardening | OSU Extension Service
UC Master Gardeners of Sonoma County
Reduced Water Use Can Go Hand-in-Hand with Beautiful Landscaping
UC Master Gardeners Sonoma | Garden Sense
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)
Event to inspire people to convert lawns to climate-appropriate regenerative landscapes.
Monday, September 20, 2021 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm (Register)
Overcoming Barriers to Lawn Conversion
Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD)
Imagine a gorgeous garden: one that requires less water, but doesn’t look dry
California Watershed Approach to Landscape Design | G3 Handbook
Lawn to Wildflowers
Tips and advice for removing your lawn and converting your yard to a water-wise oasis
Weeding Wild Suburbia
Tips on how to remove lawns, water native plants, and where to get appropriate natives
All About Gardening with California Native Plants
CA Dept of Water Resources
Local & regional resources for plant selection and landscape design for California’s hydrologic regions
Chino Basin Water Conservation District
Inland Valley Garden Planner designed to help you achieve beautiful, have-it-all gardens well suited for the region
California Dept of Water Resources
A step-by-step guide to convert your thirsty lawn into a rain-wise, pollinator, edible, or succulent garden. |National Integrated Drought Information System
A multi-agency partnership coordinating drought monitoring, forecasting, planning, and information at national, tribal, state, and local levels.
Xerces Society
Region-specific collections of publications, native seed vendors, and other resources to aid in planning, establishing, restoring, and maintaining pollinator habitat.
Pollinator Conservation Resources: Pacific Northwest Region | Xerces Society
Pollinator Conservation Resources: California | Xerces Society
Surfrider Foundation
The Ocean Friendly Gardens program (OFG) sees landscapes and streets as solutions to water pollution – and more.
Ocean Friendly Gardens Handout
Green Gardens Group (G3) & APLD
These Beautiful gardens require less water, don’t look dry; are attractive, lush, and evergreen because their designers followed the principles of the watershed approach
The CA Guide to Watershed Approach
Theodore Payne Foundation
Getting Started with Native Plants
Easy Native Plants
Your Native Garden’s First Year
Planting Guide