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Autumn Lights Festival

Articles: Autumn Lights Festival
Stan Clack, artist.  Photo: Greg Linhares, www.omnisourceimages.com
Stan Clack, artist. Photo: Greg Linhares, www.omnisourceimages.com

[sidebar]Autumn Lights Festival
October 17-18, 2014, 6-10pm
The Gardens at Lake Merritt
666 Bellevue Ave.
Oakland, California 94610


Imagine the sunset glistening over Lake Merritt, as several winding acres of garden come to life with electric fireflies in the trees, artistic video projections, lanterns, and lighted glass, all created by local artists. Special features of this year’s 3rd annual Autumn Lights Festival include sculptures from American Steel Studios, Flaming Art Cars, illuminated dancers, and fire-spinning performances.

This family-friendly event is a fundraiser for the Friends of the Gardens at Lake Merritt; presale tickets available on the website.




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