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A Resource Guide for Native Agaves, Cacti, and Yuccas

Articles: A Resource Guide for Native Agaves, Cacti, and Yuccas

As a companion to Stephen Ingram’s article on the cacti, agaves, and yuccas of California and Nevada in the July 2008 issue of Pacific Horticulture, we offer the following resource guide to sources of plants and further information about these spiny natives, adapted from the appendixes of Ingram’s Cacti, Agaves, and Yuccas of California and Nevada (Timber Press, 2008).

Nursery Sources
The following nurseries stock a good selection of native succulents and are reliable sources of nursery grown plants.

Cactus Canyon Succulent Nursery
33439 Couser Canyon Road
Valley Center, CA 92082
Online catalog; retail sales by appointment

Cactus Jungle
1509 Fourth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
Online catalog; walk-in sales only

El Nativo Growers, Inc
200 S Peckham Road
Azusa, CA 91702
Online catalog; retail sales by email only

Grigsby Cactus Gardens
2325-2354 Bella Vista Drive
Vista, CA 92084-7836
Online catalog, mail order, and walk-in

High Country Gardens
2902 Rufina Street
Santa Fe, NM 87507-2929
Online catalog; mail order and retail outlets

Living Stones Nursery & Plants for the Southwest
50 E Blacklidge (nursery)
2936 N Stone Avenue (mailing)
Tucson, AZ 85705
Online catalog and walk-in

Please be sure to mention Pacific Horticulture when contacting any of these vendors.

For Further Research
The following short list of books offers further information for the serious collector of cacti, agaves, and yuccas.

Anderson, Edward F. The Cactus Family. Portland, OR: Timber Press, 2001.

Harlow, Nora, and Kristin Jakob, eds. Wild Lilies, Irises, and Grasses: Gardening with California’s Monocots. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 2003.

Hickman, James C, ed. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1993.

Irish, Mary, and Gary Irish. Agaves, Yuccas, and Related Plants: A Gardener’s Guide. Portland, OR: Timber Press. 2000.




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