A decade ago the two and one-half acre parcel of land in Vancouver, B.C., on which the Dr Sun Yat-Sen...
Inspired Gardens and Design
Explore garden design that embraces our reciprocal relationship with nature, demonstrating the beauty of resilience, biodiversity, and respect for our local ecologies and communities.
Gardeners, and writers about gardens, frequently claim that gardens are a form of art. Their reasons are usually aesthetic, involving...
A decade ago California, especially the north, was gripped by a drought unprecedented in modern times. Water rationing was either...
The daisy flower head of many garden favorites — a central disk surrounded by radiating “petals” — is deceptively simple....
In the preceding article I mentioned a division between, on the one hand, those gardeners who are primarily plant collectors...
It is an axiom that serious gardeners love plants for themselves. They want to possess them, to grow them, to...
Mr and Mrs Harry Robinson came to Beverly Hills in 1908 and built a house at 1008 Elden Way “when...
By all rights, this winter should be noted as a most significant centennial for all serious gardeners, since it was...
A benign, temperate climate extends along our botanically rich Pacific Coast from the San Francisco Bay Area to southwestern British...