We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Laboratory Report: (January 2022)

Winter 2022 A set of recent articles on climate change research uncovers some new insights that might be helpful to gardeners, although the studies’ findings…

Laboratory Report (May 2021)

A number of scientific articles examine how plant processes at the cellular or organ level interact to contribute to recovery from drought. As we come…

Laboratory Report (November 2020)

Sit Next to a Plant – It’s Good for You Does having a small houseplant on your desk improve your performance at work? Maybe: it…

Laboratory Report (July 2020)

Bees Bite Plants to Encourage Flowering It’s every bumblebee’s nightmare: it is spring, and you are finally out and about, but the neighborhood plants are…

Laboratory Report 07.30.19

No Surprise To Gardeners One of the most recognized weeds in our gardens is believed to express autotomy—that is the sacrifice of a body part…

Laboratory Report

An informative assortment of brief reports from the world of science compiled by Ann Northrup, plant pathologist…

Laboratory Report

An informative assortment of brief reports from the world of science compiled by Ann Northrup, plant pathologist.

Laboratory Report

An informative assortment of brief reports from the world of science compiled by Ann Northrup, plant pathologist.
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