Plant Forum with Stew Winchester

Even though we love them and their drought-tolerant qualities, desert plants are sometimes damaged by our wet winters. Without protective measures to make it through the local wet season, some of these plants rot.  These challenges can impede a home gardener’s success with a water-conscious landscape and lead to people thinking that they are high maintenance.

At our second annual Plant Forum, Mr. Stew Winchester, a local horticultural professor, has gathered an exciting collection of plants which thrive with an intermediate moisture level. This plant selection comes from continental areas, mountainous climates or dry Mediterranean environments. Each of these plant species will thrive with our local weather patterns and seasonality and will be in top form to display the full glory of each plant.

A program of The Ruth Bancroft Garden.

Location: The Ruth Bancroft Garden
1552 Bancroft Road
Walnut Creek, CA 94598

For more information, see The Ruth Bancroft Garden Workshops page.

Fee: $12 for members, $20 for non-members