The Mediterranean Region, surrounding the sea by the same name, has been sought after and fought over as long as...
Drought and Fire Resilience
Delve into water-wise design and protection from wildfire, especially in the wildland urban interface, and find expert recommendations for plant selections.
The Los Angeles River is a strange thing. Most of the time it doesn’t have enough water for most people...
Silvery plants with a bright metallic sheen that are cold hardy, too, are few and far between. Though some plants...
One of the most majestic of the West’s signature trees is giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) from the western slopes of...
Plants, soil, light, air—and water: the timeless ingredients of a garden. Arid Southern California challenges gardeners to create pleasing outdoor...
Gardening on the bluffs above the ocean along California’s North Coast presents some particular challenges and special rewards for gardeners...
Ornamental grasses, the current rage in East Coast American gardens, have now taken root in the West. Their diversity, utility,...
The native stand of Rosa minutifolia in California is confined to a single quarter-acre plot in the southwest corner of...
The roof gardens of the Oakland Museum were planted in 1967 and 1968, and the horticultural successes and failures are...