We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

The Allure of Forest Gardens

Spring 2022 Bravery in a land of lawn and roses Mark, wearing a T-shirt printed with cats on a galactic background, describes his vision to…

Pacific Plant People: Carol Bornstein

Spring 2022 Public gardens play a key role in demonstrating naturalistic planting design, selecting native and adapted plants for habitat, and testing techniques for reducing…

Musqueam Indigenous Pollinator Plant Map

Spring 2022 Apart from helping pollinators like butterflies and wild bees, the Butterflyway Project started in 2017 to explore the relationship between indigenous plants and…

Healing Gardens

Spring 2022 Emily Murphy believes gardens hold the key to saving our health, our communities, and our planet. In her new book Grow Now Murphy…

Plant Longevity in Summerdry Climates

Spring 2022 Although many of us wonder about the lifespans of our new acquisitions from the nursery or plant fair that we so enthusiastically plant,…

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