We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Paul Spriggs

Contributor: Paul Spriggs

Paul Spriggs has been rock gardening for 23 years and building crevice gardens for the last 16. He is a professional gardener and landscaper, and an avid plant explorer, photographer and mountaineer. He has a passion for all wild plants, especially miniatures, collecting and cultivating them in various gardens in his hometown of Victoria, British Columbia. Paul learned the art of crevice garden from one of its innovators, Zdeneˇk Zvolánek. He has built many crevice gardens in public parks and private homes ranging from small feature troughs to large installations with many tons of stone. Paul is passionate about spreading the crevice gospel through lectures and workshops, by having served as president of the Vancouver Island Rock and Alpine Garden Society, and by proselytizing to whomever will listen. Paul can be caught growing sunflowers and dahlias as a guilty pleasure and hanging out with his growing family.

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