In the latter part of the last century, Gertrude Jekyll created her famous colored foliage borders and they caused a...
Growing for Biodiversity
Dig deeper into ecologically functional gardens that support food webs and pollinators by including native and keystone plants, minimizing lawn, and providing wildlife habitat.
Luther Burbank (1849-1926), naturalist and staunch believer in the theories of Charles Darwin, left us an unequalled legacy of plants...
Vancouver and other early travelers recorded their enthusiasm for oaks and the beauty they contributed to the western landscape. In...
Vireya rhododendrons are too lovely to lose. Native to mountainous jungles of the Malay-Indonesian archipelago, they have a dark history...
One highly satisfactory way of arranging plants in a garden is by geographical areas. This is not always possible, of...
Many people enjoy this Garden of Fragrance. Some visitors sit on its benches to enjoy the view or rest in...
The Butterflyway Project is the David Suzuki Foundation’s award-winning project led by volunteers, Butterfly Rangers, and helped by residents in local communities,...
“Let's envision that beautiful green future where humans and nature live together in spite of the dense human population that's...