We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Nature Therapy from the Contemplative Garden

Winter 2022 Women’s hushed morning voices mingled with crashing waves and chattering crows. “The kettle’s still hot.” “Can you pass the honey?” Whoosh, crash, caw,…

West Coast Rock Gardening

Fall 2022 Foreword by Paul Spriggs Rock gardening has historically been popular in the Pacific Northwest. Many European immigrants brought their rock gardening culture with…

The Allure of Forest Gardens

Spring 2022 Bravery in a land of lawn and roses Mark, wearing a T-shirt printed with cats on a galactic background, describes his vision to…

Healing Gardens

Spring 2022 Emily Murphy believes gardens hold the key to saving our health, our communities, and our planet. In her new book Grow Now Murphy…

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