Judy McClure
Judy McClure is the Master Gardener Program Coordinator and Chuck Ingels is the Environmental Horticulture Advisor; both are with University of California Cooperative Extension’s Capitol Corridor and are based in Sacramento County.
Judy McClure is the Master Gardener Program Coordinator and Chuck Ingels is the Environmental Horticulture Advisor; both are with University of California Cooperative Extension’s Capitol Corridor and are based in Sacramento County.
Chuck Ingels is the Environmental Horticulture Advisor and Judy McClure is the Master Gardener Program Coordinator; both are with University of California Cooperative Extension’s Capitol Corridor and are based in Sacramento County.
Julie Monson, a native Californian, grew up in Southern California. After retiring from a career in university administration, Julie and her husband moved to West Marin where she became an enthusiastic student in the Master Gardener program sponsored by Marin County and University of California Extension, indulging her life-long interest in landscaping and gardening.
Julie is the author of Gardening on California’s Coast, a compilation of articles that first appeared in the Marin Independent Journal; copies available at www.maplesandmoss.com.
Jennifer Jewell is the Creator and Host of the nationally syndicated, award-winning public radio program and podcast Cultivating Place, Conversations on Natural History & The Human Impulse to Garden. Her third book, What We Sow, on the Personal, Ecological, and Cultural Significance of Seeds, will be published by Timber Press September 19, 2023.
Ann Northrup spent her undergraduate years at the University of Michigan, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in microbiology. Her interest in plant pathology started there, but she took a five-year diversion to work in the field of medical diagnostics at Bio Rad Labs in Richmond, California, and another two years as a molecular biology research assistant at UC Irvine. Returning to plant pathology, Ann earned a master’s degree UC Berkeley. She has worked primarily in disease diagnostics of ornamental plants, first with Soil and Plant Lab in Orange, California, and then with Nurserymen’s Exchange in Half Moon Bay.
Ann currently consults privately in plant pathology and arboriculture and teaches horticulture classes at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills and Merritt College in Oakland. One of her professional pleasures is volunteering at the Sick Plant Clinic. She is also an active volunteer in the UCCE Master Gardener program for Santa Clara County. In her spare time, she enjoys playing her flute in a woodwind quintet in Saratoga and with the Saratoga Community Band conducted by her husband. And of course … she gardens.
Josh Schechtel is an avid gardener and has rarely met a plant that he didn’t like. He has worked as a gardener and mosaic artist in the San Francisco area, and has been the author of the Plant of the Month column for the California Horticultural Society’s bulletin since 2004
Saxon Holt is a professional garden photographer who contributes regularly to Pacific Horticulture and is widely published in books such as Hardy Succulents, The American Meadow Garden, and Plants and Landscapes for the Summer-Dry Climates of the San Francisco Bay Area. Saxon lives and gardens in Novato, California and is a member of the PHS board of directors. www.photobotanic.com
EARL NICKEL is an Oakland-based horticulturist, writer, and photographer. He writes a weekly column for the San Francisco Chronicle profiling garden-worthy plants and has contributed feature articles to Pacific Horticulture, Fine Gardening, and various Bay Area newspapers. Erle maintains a large and varied garden and blogs for Annie’s Annuals and at www.normsnursery.blogspot.com.
Lorene Edwards Forkner lives and gardens in Seattle where she pursues a good and delicious life filled with family and friends together with all things horticultural, believing that the really good part is in the blending of one’s passions.
Lorene is the author of five garden books including Hortus Miscellaneous (Sasquatch Books), Handmade Garden Projects, and The Timber Press Guide Vegetable Gardening: Pacific Northwest. Lorene is also the author of the newly released “Color In and Out of the Garden,” Abrams Books, 2022. Follow along at ahandmadegarden.com. She was the editor of Pacific Horticulture from 2012-2019.