Public Gardens & Landscapes
Business Member Profiles
Garden Guidance LLC
A lot of my clients are referred by other arborists or gardeners to provide an independent, science-based opinion in a concise, understandable way. I’m not trying to sell further products or services during a consultation. After reading or hearing my recommendations, the client should feel empowered either to carry them out on their own, or to more confidently communicate with another green industry professional about what is needed.

Helping people solve complex tree- and plant-related issues through clear and impartial communication.
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In Their Own Words...
Member Spotlight
Helping people solve complex tree- and plant-related issues through clear and impartial communication.
What's the best gardening advice you ever received?
Stop watering with a hose! My garden did much better once I started using drip irrigation and irrigation bags to apply water more slowly and make sure it infiltrated the soil.
Where do you find Inspiration?
I meet many home gardeners who have taken the time to make observations, do research and learn best practices on their own before calling me for some higher-level guidance. I am heartened by the perceptiveness and innovation of clients with little to no formal horticultural training. I learn new things from these clients all the time.
What is something surprising about your history?
I mowed my first lawn at the age of 30.
What are you most proud of?
At the end of a consultation, when someone tells me, “This has been so helpful. I really understand this issue so much better than I did before, and I can see a clear way forward.” This is the feeling I want all my clients to have at the conclusion of our work together. Because we are dealing with living things, the answers are not always cut-and-dried, and not always desirable (such as having to cut down an ailing tree). But for most people, knowing and understanding more about a problem is better than not knowing. I’m proud when I can assist with that understanding.
What educational resources do you share?
Here are some pruning videos I made in 2008: and here are videos made in collaboration with Dr. Larry Costello and UC Davis about structural pruning for young trees: