We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Business Member Profiles

Roche + Roche Landscape Architecture

Roche + Roche Landscape Architecture


Landscape Architecture

Inspiring Beautiful Gardens, Wildlife and Habitat Planting, Supporting Biodiversity, Climate Resilience

What is Unique?

Roche + Roche Landscape Architecture

We encourage engagement and enjoyment of native and designed outdoor spaces in unexpected, restorative ways.
Design of rural residential estates that may /may not have an agricultural component, hospitality including wineries, hotels, restaurants. Also some multi-residential & public work.
Region Served
In Their Own Words...

Member Spotlight

Inspiring Beautiful Gardens, Wildlife and Habitat Planting, Supporting Biodiversity, Climate Resilience
What's the best gardening advice you ever received?
Landscapes happen over time. Part of the joy of gardens is watching them become a combination of the intended design and the happy accidents that sometimes make a project sing.
Where do you find Inspiration?
Natural world- terrestrial & aquatic, art, craft & all design through travel, literature, film & conversation
What is something surprising about your history?
I was a soil scientist before a landscape designer. My whole career is understanding and experimenting with the relationship of the two.
What are you most proud of?
Design that is felt, not seen. Quiet, ruminative planting that is in tune with the surrounding native landscape.
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