We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Business Member Profiles

Bartlett Tree Experts

Bartlett Tree Experts

Tree Care Service

Tree & Shrub Care Service

Inspiring Beautiful Gardens, Plant Related Cultural Practices, and Soil Health

What is Unique?

Bartlett Tree Experts

All services provided by our Arborist Representatives and Crews are guided by The Bartlett Research Laboratories. Staffed with scientists in fields such as plant pathology, entomology, and horticulture, the laboratories advise our arborists on the latest advances in arboriculture for the benefit of our clients.
Scientific tree and shrub care
Region Served
California, Oregon, Washington
In Their Own Words...

Member Spotlight

Inspiring Beautiful Gardens, Plant Related Cultural Practices, and Soil Health
Where do you find Inspiration?
Bartlett Arborists find their inspiration in the passion they share for trees and tree health and providing species-specific scientific tree care to maintain beautiful landscapes for our clients.
What are you most proud of?
The resources available to our clients via The Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories and our award-winning safety record.
What educational resources do you share?
A vast library of technical reports – https://www.bartlett.com/technical-reports.cfm and other resources – https://www.bartlett.com/bartlett-resources.cfm can be found on bartlett.com.
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