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Sairus Patel

Contributor: Sairus Patel

Sairus is a life-long tree enthusiast and a passionate gardener. Ron Bracewell’s Trees of Stanford and Environs and Matt Ritter’s A Californian’s Guide to the Trees among Us have been particular inspirations (and are almost entirely to blame for his eucalyptophilia). in how they interweave botanical minutiae with trees’ stories (and are almost entirely to blame for his eucalyptophilia). He has been a guest lecturer and led tree tours for a Stanford course on trees. He has served on the board of Canopy, Palo Alto’s urban forest non-profit, and teaches tree identification there. At Pacific Horticulture, Sairus sits on the board, proofs and researches the plant names for the magazine, and recently served as guest co-editor for an issue focused on the urban canopy. He has embarked on revising and expanding the extensive online Trees of Stanford https://trees.stanford.edu/ project. Sairus works in font technology.

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